Sunday 18 March 2012

Intro to Soccer Positions

There are several types of soccer positions in which you can play. You may for example play defender, striker, goalkeeper or a midfielder. There are 11 players in each soccer team and all these players are assigned a position.
The goalkeeper
The most well known position is that of the goalkeeper. Your team can have only a single goalkeeper and your team can't either start the game without him. If you were playing as a goalie, you would have immense responsibility on your shoulders since you need to stop the goals. Moreover, you have to be ready and on your toes to save the goals. You are the only one who can touch the ball by using your hands, but this rule comes with a disclaimer. You can only touch the ball when you are inside the penalty box area.
The defenders of the team
As a defender you can play either as the left/right full back, the center back or the sweeper/libero. At times there can also be three defenders depending on the formation chosen by your team. A left or right fullback is often a good runner which is a requirement in order to stop the fast running wingers. Center backs have great heading skills but are often pretty slow in one vs one situation. Sweeper or libero is the back-up for the center backs and is responsible for distributing the ball to the midfielders.
The midfielders ensure that they ward off the opposition in the midfield
Midfielders are placed between the defense and the forwards/strikers of the team. There can be 3-4 players that play as the left half, center-half and right half. When playing as a midfielder you will pass the ball from the defenders to the striker and fence off the defenders as well as strikers of the opposing team. To succeed as midfielder you will need to pose good passing skills.
The forwards and strikers are responsible for scoring goals
If you are a forward or striker, then you are in the attacking position. As a forward/striker, you will have great agility and speed with the ball. A forward is often faster than a striker while strikers are stronger than forwards. Strikers are often defined as purely scoring machines while forwards are more known for their hard work.

Soccer Passing Types
If you want to get those precise long passes that the professional soccer players do, then you should be ready to put in many hours of practice every day. When playing, always pass to the nearest teammate unless of course the opponent team has marked that player. Now, let's check out the common soccer passing types…
The push pass
The push pass is the most basic pass that you need know in order to play soccer. It's the easiest to learn, but you would need a lot of practice to completely master the technique. To perform the bass you need to swing your body back, thrust your hips forward and then hit the ball with the inner side of your foot.
The long pass
Another variation to the push pass that can be used by you is the long pass. The difference between the push pass and the long pass is the distance that the ball travels. In a long pass you would ideally aim for the ball to travel more than 20 yards.
The double pass/ return pass / wall pass
You would also learn to use this pass known as the wall pass or the double pass. You will generally use this pass when you and your teammates have to work through a tight defense or when the opponents are playing with low defense. Don't use this pass too often as the opposing players may understand your strategy and then turn it against you.
Chip pass
Chip pass is pretty efficient in extremely tight situations with a number of defenders around you. It's also great in situations when the goalkeeper has come out of the net far long. Just chip the ball over him and watch ball flying over his head and into the net.
The backward pass
This type of pass is great in situations when you are having the goal behind you. In these situations, you would need to kick the ball with the heel or the sole of your foot.
Pass in the space
Another frequently used pass that you will need to master as soccer player is the "pass into the space". This is especially helpful when the game is in the fast tempo and you want to deceive the defenders. Imagine that you are player who doesn't have the ball. You just need to run in the soccer field while ensuring that you are in line with the player who has the ball. Since the pass is initiated when you are running, the pass has to be done with efficiency and accuracy. The motive for you should be to take the ball and proceed towards the goal.

By improving attitude, raising the number of shots, and raising the accuracy of those shots, you should quickly find that your number of goals increases by the game. Many coaches find that this type of goal training has an exponentially positive effect; as more players attempt and make goals, not only are they more likely to try again, but their teammates may be inspired as well!

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7 Soccer Goalie Tips
If you are playing as a soccer goalie, then you should read these tips, print them and keep them. But just reading these tips isn't enough. You would also need to practice them and make them a part of your daily routine, if you thinking of really been a great goalie. The main aim of the goalkeeper is to save the goal and they should be ready for it at all times. Adapt the tips in the matches that you play to become a great goalkeeper.
1. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times
Don't fall in the trap of just looking at the ball when it's in the 18-yard box. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times, even if it's far away from you. Many goalies have realized to their horror the consequences of not paying attention to the ball when its far way.
2. You should be ready to leave the 18-yard box
The primary mission of the goalkeeper is to save the shoots from reaching the goal. Also at some point in the game, you will need to leave the 18-yard box. However, don't do it too often else, the opponent can easily score while you are away. Be prepared to leave the goal and run in order to save the ball. Don't hold back at this time, instead run with confidence and determination.
3. Jumping to reach the crosses
Before you jump in the air to save the ball, ensure that you can actually reach the ball. When you should actually jump and go for crosses and when you shouldn't is very difficult to say. In fact this is something that you will actually learn on the field as you gain more experience. If you lose the ball in the air, then the opposing team has an advantage over you.
4. Learn from your mistakes
Understand that making mistakes is a part of the game. Unless you make mistakes, you won't go any far. Have confidence in yourself and then you can take out the opposition. At times, you would concede a goal. At these times, analyze what went wrong and then try not to repeat the mistake again.

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5. Surprise your opponents
Don't make the first move; instead let your opponent do it first. In this way you would be able to take them by surprise. As a soccer goalie you should be able to judge the body language of the players. This is very important when the offensive players are taking a shoot. You must be able to judge when, how and where the strikers are planning to shoot.
6. Standing close to the goal line is necessary
It's important that you stand close to the goal line (about one yard). Standing too far away from the goal line can give immense opportunities to the opposing team. Lastly, you don't want to be caught unawares.
7. Don't be afraid of getting hurt
A goalkeeper can't be afraid of getting hurt. You need to use you whole body to stop your opponents from scoring. In a tight situation, (especially during the corner kicks) you must do everything you can in order to save the goal. Injuries happen in spite of all the training and the gear that the goalkeepers wear, but then it's a part and parcel of the game.

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Common Soccer Positions
Are you a little perplexed by different soccer positions and the jargon you hear out on the field? Do you spend most of the game wondering exactly what every player is supposed to be doing? Here is a guide to the basic and more advanced positions of a soccer game as well as some of the more common nicknames for them. Because the best way to lose a soccer game is allowing the other team to score, defensive positions are very important to the game.

These are the basic defensive positions:

Defender - Also called a ‘back’, this defensive player works his magic in the defensive third of the soccer field, preventing the opposing team from making a goal.

Fullback - Plays the back most part of the defensive third, protecting the goal keeper.

Sweeper - A defensive player whose domain is directly in front of the goal, keeping the other team’s offensive players away from the goal. This position is not always used, but it can make a key difference in the quality of play.

Goal Keeper/Goalie/Keeper - Perhaps the best known position, this is the player who is directly in front of the goal to prevent the other team from scoring. It’s easy to identify the goalie, not just because of their position, but because they are the only player you will see using their hands and arms.

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7 Soccer Goalie Tips
If you are playing as a soccer goalie, then you should read these tips, print them and keep them. But just reading these tips isn't enough. You would also need to practice them and make them a part of your daily routine, if you thinking of really been a great goalie. The main aim of the goalkeeper is to save the goal and they should be ready for it at all times. Adapt the tips in the matches that you play to become a great goalkeeper.

1. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times
Don't fall in the trap of just looking at the ball when it's in the 18-yard box. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times, even if it's far away from you. Many goalies have realized to their horror the consequences of not paying attention to the ball when its far way. 

2. You should be ready to leave the 18-yard box
The primary mission of the goalkeeper is to save the shoots from reaching the goal. Also at some point in the game, you will need to leave the 18-yard box. However, don't do it too often else, the opponent can easily score while you are away. Be prepared to leave the goal and run in order to save the ball. Don't hold back at this time, instead run with confidence and determination. 

3. Jumping to reach the crosses
Before you jump in the air to save the ball, ensure that you can actually reach the ball. When you should actually jump and go for crosses and when you shouldn't is very difficult to say. In fact this is something that you will actually learn on the field as you gain more experience. If you lose the ball in the air, then the opposing team has an advantage over you. 

4. Learn from your mistakes
Understand that making mistakes is a part of the game. Unless you make mistakes, you won't go any far. Have confidence in yourself and then you can take out the opposition. At times, you would concede a goal. At these times, analyze what went wrong and then try not to repeat the mistake again. 

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5. Surprise your opponents
Don't make the first move; instead let your opponent do it first. In this way you would be able to take them by surprise. As a soccer goalie you should be able to judge the body language of the players. This is very important when the offensive players are taking a shoot. You must be able to judge when, how and where the strikers are planning to shoot. 

6. Standing close to the goal line is necessary
It's important that you stand close to the goal line (about one yard). Standing too far away from the goal line can give immense opportunities to the opposing team. Lastly, you don't want to be caught unawares. 

7. Don't be afraid of getting hurt
A goalkeeper can't be afraid of getting hurt. You need to use you whole body to stop your opponents from scoring. In a tight situation, (especially during the corner kicks) you must do everything you can in order to save the goal. Injuries happen in spite of all the training and the gear that the goalkeepers wear, but then it's a part and parcel of the game.

Defense is certainly important, but scoring goals is just as important as preventing the opponents from scoring them. On the other two-thirds of the field, you’ll find two basic types of soccer players:

Forward - As their title suggests, this player’s domain is the forward third of the field. The forwards have the important job of taking shots and making goals. The ‘striker’ is usually the key forward, who is the best at scoring.

Midfielder/Halfback - The midfielder is the multi-tasker of the game of soccer. From the middle third of the field, they move the ball between the forward and back thirds and can play offensively or defensively as needed.

But wait, you may be thinking. These aren’t all the terms I hear on the field. What about the ‘maestro’, or the ‘wingers’? There are other, more specialized roles that are sometimes assigned to players with special strengths and talents. Here are the most common advanced soccer positions you’ll hear about on the field.

Central Defender - This player, usually the best defender on the team, guards directly in front of their team’s goal.

Stopper - This position’s key duty is to guard the opposing team’s striker and stop them from making goals.

Defensive Midfielder - Also called a midfield anchor, this is a midfielder who plays near the defensive third of the field and, despite being a midfielder, plays primarily defense.

Central Midfielder - This midfielder is also called the Midfield General or the Midfield Maestro. They are the chief organizers of the midfielders and are responsible for keeping the ball on the offensive third of the field, where the forwards can work their magic.

Attacking Midfielder - This midfielder spends most of their time on the offensive end of the midfield, supporting the forwards.

Wingers - These are the speedy players who work the outsides of the field. Because they are responsible for getting the ball to the forwards, they are usually expert dribblers and make accurate passes.

Central Forward - This player is usually the best scorer, and thus works the middle section of the forward third. This position is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘Striker’. A related position is that of ‘Finisher’, which is the player who is almost guaranteed to score when given the opportunity.

Whether you are watching professional soccer or a preschool game, almost all positions will fall into one of the above categories. Each of these positions requires a specific set of skills and speed, and each is equally important to the game. This is what makes soccer a global favorite in sports; regardless of a player’s strengths and weaknesses, there is sure to be a position that is best for them.

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