Friday 20 April 2012

Drink to lose waight: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Co...

Drink to lose waight: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Co...: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consoli... : Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consolidation - Avoid Corporate Bank...SUBJECT: 10 Tips To Weight Loss Success
Dear prospect,
How To Lose Body Fat Enjoyably
Losing weight is often a problem for people due to two reasons. Firstly, it’s the misinformation that they are bombarded with, most of which contradicts itself and each other…and is often downright false.
Secondly, there may often be issues with mindset that can stop a person from either making lifestyle changes to accommodate their new diet or from having the strength to say “no!” when friends say “oh, go on…”.
Losing weight does not have to be some major upheaval. In fact, it’s far easier to lose weight gradually and enjoyably over a longer period of time than it is to try and change your daily habits overnight.
If you aim to lose 2 lbs per week, you’ll still enjoy a varied diet and will not have to become a gym rat at the same time.
In order to maintain a 2lbs per week loss (which is easier than you think), we’ll need to look at improving the diet, exercise habits, and detoxifying our system.
Healthy Diet
The basics apply here more than anything else, particularly when starting out. Make sure you’re eating plenty of fruit and vegetables each week, and that you aim to drink at least a few glasses of water a day (or more if you can). Avoid sugary foods where possible and swap out for fruit snacks instead. Do not drink fruit juice instead of water or fruit however, as the sugar content will pile on pounds quickly.
Try to cook your meats and fish in a non stick frying pan so that cooking oil is not required, and if you insist on chips/fries, then oven bake or grill them for a healthier meal.
Finally, try to eat smaller meals but more often throughout the day. This will keep your body burning fat as it no longer needs to store fat and sugars from previous meals. Eating more regularly helps keep your metabolism up and reduces the need for cravings too.
Some of us cringe at the thought of exercise, but any form of exercise is sufficient providing you do it at least 3 times a week or more. You don’t need to be a gym rat to stay fit, but you do need to get up and move about for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week, so that your heart is beating faster than it would at its’ normal resting rate.
Even if it means a brisk walk to the shops and back, this can be enough to shed the pounds over the months ahead. In fact, walking is one of the best exercises you can do, because it burns the most actual fat from your body, and not just carbs.
Essentially, that is all there is to it.
You don’t need to go mad with the diet or exercise plans; you just need to be able to stick to them. Obviously you’re going to have to curb your fatty snacks such as crisps and chocolate, but you’ll find that if you follow a plan that fills your day with eating the right foods (not all salads and fruit either!) then you’ll never feel hungry enough to snack in the first place. For more information on such a diet, check out ###YOUR LINK###.
TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
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TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
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TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
Flavouring Concentrates For Blending Flavored Water:
Flavouring Concentrates For Blending Flavored Water: Description : offers natural flavor drops, with no artificial sweeteners. Our flavor drops for water makes perfect flavored water. Our 1/2 oz bottle makes 5 gallons of flavored water, pennies a serving. You control flavoring by number of drops you use. Just a hint of stevia enhances the flavoring taste. 0 Carbs, 0 Calories, 0 Fat. Easy to carry and use anytime anywhere. We have the widest selection with over 25 natural flavors to choose from. We're the original Yum Drops® Flavoring Drops on the market. Our customers think so too. see our testimonials.
TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
Honoring Our Heroes
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Besides being the hottest new weight loss products, our natural flavoring concentrates taste great and are perfect for flavoring foods and beverages like: water, teas, coffee, dairy products, even desserts.  Our alcohol free flavor concentrates enhance the taste of any virgin cocktails and contains no alcohol!

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Yum Drops®, ?Do Your Drink A Flavor!? simply stated, promotes hydration and makes drinking more water easier and fun. You control the subtleness and strength of the flavoring and that is the key with our drops. Too sweet and you won?t drink it for long, but subtle flavoring satisfies your taste experience and allows you to continue to drink the levels required to sustain proper diets and help lose weight. Just a hint of stevia to enhance the taste!!!
It?s a fact: water is the best thing for diets, calorie counters and weight watchers: people who just want to lose weight. Some studies have shown ?Water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster.? If there is a slight dehydration, the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger, causing the person to eat instead of drinking water to hydrate. Some foods contain some water. If proper levels of water are not maintained, the person may actually eat more foods to gain the necessary water levels the body is demanding. Drinking water helps lose weight.

Once thing we haven't talked about yet is the dreaded fast food
temptation. It's one of those distractions that is always around
us, luring us away from our healthy diets and weight loss goals,
Well, I know how hard it can be to avoid such temptations, but I
also know that once you get started with a diet that makes you
feel good, you'll also be too proud to ruin your previous
efforts...especially when you physically see the weight dropping
off each week.
But to get to that point, you need to get started with your diet
plan asap...
And if you're just starting out, don't despair. Here are some
tips you can use to avoid the lure of the greasy fast food
joints out to rob your wallet and balloon your weight.
Tip 1
Eat before you go out. If you know you'll be out all day, have
some lunch at home beforehand. When you drive past all those
signs, you'll not be hungry.
Tip 2
Think of it as something bad. Set your mind to associate
anything fast food related to being negative (which is most
definitely is, for health reasons alone). Think of the amount of
grease used in cooking and the sloppily put together burgers.
You may then be turned off from's pretty disgusting
when you see the grease, fat and salt that goes into one sloppy
bag of junk food.
Tip 3
Gain some will power. Continue to tell yourself not to eat it.
Believe in yourself. The rewards of fighting the crave will
brighten your day. Trust me, looking in the mirror and seeing
yourself getting visibly thinner each week is a far greater buzz
than a greasy little hamburger or chicken wing can give you.
Tip 4
Have a house full of healthier snacks. If you have snacks
waiting for you at home, you may easily drive by fast food
locations. Make sure your snacks appeal to you, however. Canned
fruit in syrup is a sweet alternative that will satisfy your
Tip 5
Reward yourself. It won't hurt you to have a nice little reward
after awhile. Whether it being treating yourself to a movie or
having a candy bar, the reward will be well deserved if you can
fight your temptations.
Tip 6 Keep busy. If you keep your mind focused on other things,
you won't even think twice about stopping...particularly if you
can spend some time exercising instead.
Tip 7
Have someone else drive. If someone else is at the wheel of the
car, they won't feel the need to pull over and get some food.
Tip 8
Pack some snacks with you. If someone happens to want to go to a
fast food restaurant to eat, you'll be prepared with something
Tip 9
Set goals. If you choose to not eat at these bad places for a
set amount of days, by the time you return, you may not even
want it anymore!
Tip 10
Experiment with cooking/learn to cook. This will keep your mind
off of eating out and you will learn along the way.
These tips should help you to start looking the other way when
it comes to fast food.
Just remember, you don't need to be completely against the
stuff, you just need to see it as a lazy and weak option, not a
forbidden sin. Once you see it as something you can either take
or leave, you'll find it easier to walk straight past.
Besides, once you've got started with a real diet that works,
such as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, then you will not feel hungry
anyway...and you certainly won't want to spoil that new figure
you've discovered underneath your old layer of fat.
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must-but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow-
You might succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggle has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup.
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt-
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
TO Your Success,
TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...

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