Tuesday 24 April 2012

Energize your Business



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Money management is an art. Sadly, it is becoming a lost art. We are becoming poorer each day just because we cannot manage the resources that we have so painstakingly accumulated. We don’t know how to manage our assets and nurture them to grow. Inside, you will learn various ways of money management for all ages and all walks of life ...

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Whilst you might not be able to buy love, you can at least protect it with a little financial planning. If you and your partner are contemplating moving in together and merging your finances or even getting married or starting a family, here are few suggestions to keep the love alive over the years!

Decide on your financial priorities, such as:

Would an emergency fund be helpful?

Do you need to protect either your own or your partner’s income in the event of illness? At least considering cover of joint expenses?

Do either of you want to consider life insurance, as security for the other?

How much borrowing will you need to do to buy a home?

If you have children, how much planning do you want to do? Is private education an option, do you want to start saving for university fees?

Are you already saving for a pension? Do you want to incorporate your partner in your pension plans? If you’re not already saving for a pension, when do you intend to start doing this?

Will you be saving for short-term family events – such as birthdays, holidays or Christmas?

If you are likely to have surplus funds, are you likely to invest these? If so, will you invest in medium or long term options?

Available resources for parents:

Child Benefit:

Child Benefit is paid for a child or young person who is:

under 16 years old or

16, 17 or 18 years old and at school or college studying fulltime

16 or 17 years old and has left school recently and has registered for work or training with one of the following:

Careers Service, or Connexions Service

Ministry of Defence

Department for Employment and Learning (in Northern Ireland)

An education and library board (in Northern Ireland)

The young person must be actively seeking work or training place and have not yet started work, or training for which a training allowance is paid.

Free dental care & free prescriptions to all mothers-to-be and new mothers (within first year of birth)

Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

According to the Department for Work and Pensions:

SMP provides the mother with financial assistance to take time off at and around the birth

SMP is paid by the employer, up to a maximum of 26 weeks

SMP is regarded as earnings and the employer will deduct tax and National Insurance accordingly

Child Tax Credits

All families with children can claim Child Tax Credits if their income is less than £58,000 (up to £66,000 if the child is less than a year old). You can still claim this benefit even if you are not the biological parent, but you must be the main person who is responsible for the child.

More information about credits and benefits:

Tax credit enquiries:
0845 3003900 (UK Tax Credits enquiries)
0845 6032000 (Northern Ireland Tax Credits enquiries)

Child benefit enquiries:
0845 302 1444
0845 603 2000 (Northern Ireland)

Available resources for children:

Child Trust Funds (CTFs)

Child Trust Funds are long-term tax-free savings and investment accounts into which the Government will pay ‘endowments’ when a child is born. A further payment of an undisclosed amount will also be paid at the age of seven. This means that each child born on or after 1st September 2002 will receive an initial lump sum payment of (currently £250 or £500 for poorer families) from the government. This will be sent in the form of a voucher which can then be used to open a CTF account with the investment provider of the child’s guardian’s choice. Parents will be able to pay up to £1,200 a year into the fund, until the child reaches 18 when the account will cease to be a Child Trust Fund account, and will usually be transferred into an easy access account. Preferential tax treatment will then cease, and any further growth in the fund after this time will be subject to normal tax legislation. Savings in a Child Trust Fund account will develop into an asset which can then be used by the child, and no-one else, when they reach the age of age of 18 (not before) to help cover some of the large expenses encountered at this time of a person’s life, and is intended to contribute towards university fees, first mortgage, etc.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

An EMA is a weekly payment of £10, £20 or £30, depending on the household income and is paid directly into the student’s bank account. The money is intended to help with the day-to-day costs generated by staying on at school or college, such as travel, books and equipment etc. Additionally, £100 bonuses available for students who remain committed to their course and get good marks.

A student can get an EMA if:

Their household has an income of £30,000 or less and

Their course involves at least 12 hours of guided learning per week

Courses eligible for EMAs include school sixth forms, sixth-form colleges or further education colleges and encompasses ‘A’ levels, GCSEs, GNVQs, NVQs or other vocational qualifications.

More information can be found at:

For more information about the Education Maintenance Allowance, call the Inland Revenue on 0845 300 3900.

If you have any suggestions on how family finances could be improved, please feel welcome to email: info@moneynet.co.uk



Get the kids saving from a young age and encourage financial awareness:

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Money management is an art.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬it is becoming a lost art.‭ ‬We are becoming poorer each day just because we cannot manage the resources that we have so painstakingly accumulated.‭ ‬We don’t know how to manage our assets and nurture them to grow.‭ ‬Inside,‭ ‬you will learn various ways of money management for all ages and all walks of life‭ ‬...

Furthermore,People may have all kinds of disagreement on what is the root of evil,‭ ‬but one thing is very clear:‭ ‬The lack of money management is the root of all headaches‭!
It is prudent not to allow your finances to drag your family this way and that way like a wild horse.‭ ‬You must take charge of your money and manage it well.‭ ‬What can a family jointly do to ensure hassle free and harmonious money management‭? ‬Here are‭ ‬5‭ ‬tips:‭
1.‭ ‬Draw up a budget‭

When funds are clearly allocated for various activities,‭ ‬there is less likelihood of impulsive and regrettable expenditure.‭ ‬Teach yourself and family members to draw up a simple balance sheet so that everyone knows what records of bills,‭ ‬receipts and transactions are to be maintained.‭ ‬Also scrutinize your bank and credit card statement carefully to avoid identity theft and to be aware of hidden costs.‭
2.‭ ‬Have regular family‭ ‘‬board‭’ ‬meetings‭

Update everyone on the money front and check if your children or spouse need additional funds for unforeseen expenses.‭ ‬Put across your disapproval of wasteful or impulsive buying in a sensitive way.‭
3.‭ ‬Encourage everyone to come up with new cost saving ideas‭

Experience The ViSalus Difference

The Body by Vi‭™ ‬90-Day Challenge offer over‭ ‬$25,000,000‭ ‬a year in prizes for people who use ViSalus products to lose weight or get in shape.‭ ‬It’s fun,‭ ‬it’s simple,‭ ‬and it works‭! ‬There’s an entire community to cheer you on,‭ ‬and tons of online and offline tools to help you achieve your fitness goals whatever they are.
Vi-Shape‭® ‬shake mix is included in each of the‭ ‬4‭ ‬Body by Vi‭™ ‬Challenge Kits.‭ ‬We call it the‭ “‬shake mix that tastes like a cake mix,‭” ‬and when you see how this complete meal compares to other nutritional shakes out there,‭ ‬you’ll soon see why so many people are achieving their goals on this Challenge.‭…

To get started just set your‭ ‬90‭ ‬day goal and select a Challenge Kit‭!

The ViSalus Body by Vi‭™ ‬Challenge has helped thousands of people achieve their personal health and fitness goals and enjoy greater financial prosperity along the way.‭ ‬To celebrate this prosperity in the spirit of contribution,‭ ‬ViSalus is proud to launch the Body by Vi‭™ ‬Community Challenge,‭ ‬an initiative that allows you to donate our Vi-Shape‭® ‬Nutritional Shake Mix‭ (‬protein meals‭) ‬to children and families who don’t have the means to get the nutrition they need each day.
For just‭ ‬$24,‭ ‬you can donate‭ ‬30‭ ‬Vi–Shape‭® ‬Nutritional Shake Mix meals to children in need,‭ ‬and ViSalus will match each donation meal for meal.‭ ‬You can make a big difference with even a modest donation.‭ ‬Just one of many ways the ViSalus community strives to give back.

Coming soon from the USA‭***‬So pumped to be in my own business‭!! ‬Being my own boss,‭ ‬my own hours,‭ ‬and spending more time with my own family‭!! ‬If you guys are wondering what I mean and why this is possible check it out‭! ‬http://shanehilliard.myvi.net/products.html

Article Writing‭
Do you love writing‭? ‬Have you always dreamed of writing a bestseller novel‭? ‬Well,‭ ‬most successful novelists also had a day job.‭ ‬Here’s a day job that can keep you in the writing field that you love so much and also pay you a decent salary,‭ ‬so that you can still have time left over for your blockbuster novel‭!
Anyone with a good grasp of the English language can write a few paragraphs of original content.‭ ‬It is even easier to just read a given article and rewrite it.‭ ‬And that is pretty much the job description for one of the most lucrative jobs on the Internet today.‭
With thousands of new websites being set up every hour,‭ ‬webmasters are in constant need of new content for their webpages.‭ ‬Sometimes a number of websites are developed by spinning the same content into several articles.‭ ‬Most buyers of articles pay between one to two dollars for rewriting an article of‭ ‬300-500‭ ‬words.‭ ‬This task can be done in fifteen to thirty minutes depending on your language skills and typing speed.‭
It is important to write original content‭ – ‬say it all in your own words‭ – ‬as most buyers check for duplication by using copy-detection software like Copyscape and Plagium.‭ ‬If you just cut and paste from some other websites,‭ ‬that will show up on Copyscape and you will lose your assignment and get negative reviews from the buyer.‭
Proofread your article thoroughly before submitting it,‭ ‬using SpellCheck if you use Word.‭ ‬Even if you aren’t familiar with a topic like say acne or money management or health topics,‭ ‬some time spent browsing relevant websites can give you enough information to write a‭ ‬500‭ ‬word article.‭
That’s the charm of freelance writing online.‭ ‬Your general knowledge improves vastly with the articles you research and write everyday.‭ ‬That will surely help your creative writing too,‭ ‬and pave the way for that blockbuster novel someday‭!
Check out Odesk.com,‭ ‬Elance.com and Getafreelancer.com and sign up with the one you like.‭ ‬Payments are through PayPal and other international systems.‭
Kind Regards,

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Terms and Conditions‭


The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the‭
creation of this report,‭ ‬notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or‭
represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly‭
changing nature of the Internet.‭

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this‭
publication,‭ ‬the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors,‭ ‬omissions,‭ ‬or‭
contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.‭ ‬Any perceived slights of‭
specific persons,‭ ‬peoples,‭ ‬or organizations are unintentional.‭

In practical advice books,‭ ‬like anything else in life,‭ ‬there are no guarantees of‭
income made.‭ ‬Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their‭
individual circumstances to act accordingly.‭

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal,‭ ‬business,‭ ‬accounting or‭
financial advice.‭ ‬All readers are advised to seek services of competent‭
professionals in legal,‭ ‬business,‭ ‬accounting and finance fields.‭

You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.‭

Table Of Contents‭

Chapter‭ ‬1:‭

Instant Money‭

Chapter‭ ‬2:‭

Google’s AdSense‭

Chapter‭ ‬3:‭

Mechanical Turk‭

Chapter‭ ‬4:‭

Article Writing‭

Chapter‭ ‬5:‭


Chapter‭ ‬6:‭


Chapter‭ ‬7:‭

Affiliate Marketing‭

Chapter‭ ‬8:‭

Website Spinning‭

Chapter‭ ‬9:‭

Technical Services‭

Chapter‭ ‬10:‭

Some Things to Remember‭


This eBook contains some of the best methods you can use to make money‭
online.‭ ‬Instant cash in the shortest possible time.‭ ‬No further introductions are‭
necessary,‭ ‬are they‭?

Just put your feet up and start reading‭…

Chapter‭ ‬1:‭

Instant Money‭


Generating instant money‭ – ‬everyone’s dream,‭ ‬some people’s achievement.‭ ‬Can‭
it really be done by all‭?

Instant Money‭

There are thousands of websites and eBooks that tell you can earn thousands of‭
dollars a day by working online,‭ ‬if you will only buy their eBooks with the magic‭
formula for just‭ ‬49.99‭ ‬dollars or so‭! ‬How much of this is true‭? ‬There are a lot of‭
scams which spout some lame gibberish once they have relieved you of some hard‭
earned money.‭ ‬Those who fall for such tricks only have themselves to blame.‭
There no shortcuts to riches online.‭ ‬It’s just like real life,‭ ‬where you work hard‭
and sensibly and earn your daily bread.‭

Just as in real life,‭ ‬you have to use the skills that you have and also keep acquiring‭
new ones.‭ ‬Just as in a real-time job,‭ ‬you have to work a certain number of hours a‭
day to earn your online living.‭ ‬And just as in real life,‭ ‬only those workers who‭
study their job well,‭ ‬steer clear of fraudsters and work hard and skillfully will do‭
well and earn a sizeable income online.‭

The next chapters will take a hard look at the various ways you can earn money‭
online for every hour of work that you put in.‭ ‬There are millions of people all over‭
the world who are already working on these online jobs from the comfort of their‭
homes.‭ ‬You can be your own boss,‭ ‬decide how many hours you want to work and‭
get paid through international systems like PayPal or even by check in your own‭
local currency.‭

Remember,‭ ‬today’s world is a socially networked world.‭ ‬The Net has put a lot of‭
knowledge at your fingertips.‭ ‬Even if you feel you don’t have formal degrees and‭
training,‭ ‬if you have the will,‭ ‬you can learn fast.‭ ‬You can use your grasp of‭
English,‭ ‬your ability to use the Internet and your social circle of friends to‭
develop your skills.‭ ‬And then you can quickly start earning on at least some of the‭
areas discussed ahead.‭

Chapter‭ ‬2:‭

Google’s AdSense‭


Google AdSense is the online moneymaker’s biggest tool.‭ ‬Learn how you can‭
make it yours as well.‭

Google’s AdSense‭

One of the most popular advertising programs on the Internet is Google’s‭
Adsense.‭ ‬Almost any website you open today has those‭ ‘‬Ads by Google‭’ ‬placed at‭
the left or right or bottom of the page.‭ ‬Sometimes they are even bang in the‭
centre.‭ ‬Every time you click on such an ad,‭ ‬that webmaster is paid a small‭
amount by the advertiser,‭ ‬through Google’s AdSense.‭ ‬Every day millions of‭
dollars are being paid out on AdSense clicks through billions of page views.‭ ‬This‭
makes Google’s AdSense the most popular Pay per Click‭ (‬PPC‭) ‬program in the‭
world today.‭

The payment per click can range from a few cents to even ten or twenty dollars.‭
Niche content relevant to certain specialized keywords can pay very highly.‭ ‬But‭
merely setting up a website with these high paying keywords and placing‭
AdSense ads on it isn’t going to work.‭ ‬The site has to contain information that is‭
valuable to the reader.‭ ‬Only then will it generate enough traffic and genuine ad‭
clicks.‭ ‬If you click on your own ads or ask your friends to deliberately click to‭
benefit you,‭ ‬AdSense admin will knock off the ads from your webpage faster than‭
you can say‭ ‘‬click fraud‭’!

So it is wise to set up a website or blog based on a subject you like,‭ ‬which is also‭
commercially viable‭ – ‬there have to be some advertisers who would like to place‭
their ads on your pages.‭ ‬Adsense bots will scan your webpages everyday and then‭
place ads relevant to your content.‭

You can use blogger.com to set up a simple blog in three easy steps.‭ ‬Then read up‭
on your subject and write original content.‭ ‬Make sure you mention the keywords‭
relevant to your content.‭ ‬Then generate traffic to your website by emailing your‭
blog link to your friends and ask them to pass it on.‭ ‬Place the link on your friends‭’
websites too and also take part in forums connected to your topic.‭

Use a traffic monitoring website like Sitemeter.com to check on how much page‭
views and hits you get every day.‭ ‬Your AdSense account page will also tell you‭
how many clicks have been made and how much you have earned.‭ ‬You can‭
receive your payment by various methods as explained on your account page.‭
AdSense also has good advice on how to place the ads for maximum profitability.‭

So get started with your blog or website and power it up with Google AdSense‭!

Chapter‭ ‬3:‭

Mechanical Turk‭


An introduction to the Mechanical Turk‭… ‬Read on.‭

Mechanical Turk‭

Ever wondered how you could make some extra dollars in your spare hours‭?
Mechanical Turk offers you just that.‭

This website is owned by Amazon,‭ ‬the online marketing giant.‭ ‬Mturk.com‭
displays thousands of HITs‭ (‬Human Intelligence Tasks‭) ‬on its pages.‭ ‬These tasks‭
range from simple to complex and the payment for doing them also ranges from a‭
few cents upto even tens of dollars.‭ ‬The simpler tasks can involve taking a survey‭
or writing a few paragraphs on a given subject or commenting on a particular‭
forum.‭ ‬The more complex ones can require some web design or writing entire‭
reports or doing some market research.‭ ‬There are also audio transcription jobs‭
that can fetch you a few dollars for transcribing‭ ‬5-10‭ ‬minutes long audio clips‭
into text.‭

Mturk is a great way to train up for more specialized online jobs.‭ ‬If you start‭
writing a few‭ ‬100‭ ‬or‭ ‬200‭ ‬word articles here,‭ ‬you can gain the skills and‭
confidence to take up larger freelance writing assignments on sites like ODesk,‭
Elance and GetAFreelancer,‭ ‬which we will discuss in the next chapters.‭

If you get the hang of audio transcription and become reasonably accurate and‭
fast enough,‭ ‬you can eventually move on to fulltime medical or legal transcription‭
which are high paying fields.‭ ‬You have to train up for these specialized areas,‭ ‬but‭
Mechanical Turk gives you a good start with simple tasks.‭

Within a few hours or days,‭ ‬your work is checked and payment is credited to your‭
Mturk account.‭ ‬The trick is to be on the lookout for high paying tasks,‭ ‬where for‭
example you earn a couple of dollars for a survey which takes only a few minutes.‭
Or writing a‭ ‬400‭ ‬word article on Tourism in Iceland which earns you‭ ‬3‭ ‬dollars‭!
Even if you are not familiar with the topic,‭ ‬you can quickly read up on the Net‭
and make a fairly decent and factual presentation.‭ ‬After all that’s what many‭
journalists and media writers are doing today‭!

Payments are made by checks in local currency‭ (‬for certain countries‭) ‬or‭
transferred to your bank account,‭ ‬or you can use the money in your account to‭
purchase goods from Amazon.com.‭

A good way to get started on thousands of easy tasks and train up for bigger‭
things to come‭! ‬Don’t let a spare hour go to waste.‭ ‬Become a Turker today.‭ ‬And‭
don’t forget to browse a good Turker forum for the latest buzz and loads of good‭
and useful advice.‭

Chapter‭ ‬4:‭

Article Writing‭


If you have the talent,‭ ‬article writing could make you really popular and very‭
rich as well‭!

Article Writing‭

Do you love writing‭? ‬Have you always dreamed of writing a bestseller novel‭?
Well,‭ ‬most successful novelists also had a day job.‭ ‬Here’s a day job that can keep‭
you in the writing field that you love so much and also pay you a decent salary,‭ ‬so‭
that you can still have time left over for your blockbuster novel‭!

Anyone with a good grasp of the English language can write a few paragraphs of‭
original content.‭ ‬It is even easier to just read a given article and rewrite it.‭ ‬And‭
that is pretty much the job description for one of the most lucrative jobs on the‭
Internet today.‭

With thousands of new websites being set up every hour,‭ ‬webmasters are in‭
constant need of new content for their webpages.‭ ‬Sometimes a number of‭
websites are developed by spinning the same content into several articles.‭ ‬Most‭
buyers of articles pay between one to two dollars for rewriting an article of‭ ‬300-
500‭ ‬words.‭ ‬This task can be done in fifteen to thirty minutes depending on your‭
language skills and typing speed.‭

It is important to write original content‭ – ‬say it all in your own words‭ – ‬as most‭
buyers check for duplication by using copy-detection software like Copyscape‭
and Plagium.‭ ‬If you just cut and paste from some other websites,‭ ‬that will show‭
up on Copyscape and you will lose your assignment and get negative reviews‭
from the buyer.‭

Proofread your article thoroughly before submitting it,‭ ‬using SpellCheck if you‭
use Word.‭ ‬Even if you aren’t familiar with a topic like say acne or money‭
management or health topics,‭ ‬some time spent browsing relevant websites can‭
give you enough information to write a‭ ‬500‭ ‬word article.‭

That’s the charm of freelance writing online.‭ ‬Your general knowledge improves‭
vastly with the articles you research and write everyday.‭ ‬That will surely help‭
your creative writing too,‭ ‬and pave the way for that blockbuster novel someday‭!

Check out Odesk.com,‭ ‬Elance.com and Getafreelancer.com and sign up with the‭
one you like.‭ ‬Payments are through PayPal and other international systems.‭

Chapter‭ ‬5:‭



Teach something you know.‭ ‬That could make you rich.‭


One of the most enjoyable ways to earn money online is by selling some skill that‭
you are good at.‭

Can you teach a language or show how to fix a clogged drain‭? ‬Just pick up a‭
digital camera and shoot yourself doing your thing.‭ ‬Then upload it onto YouTube.‭
Circulate the link to everyone you know and also place it on related forums.‭ ‬Then‭
build a simple specialized website with more such learning videos.‭ ‬Arrange to‭
give access only to viewers who pay a small fee via credit card or PayPal.‭ ‬Place the‭
link to this website on your free YouTube videos.‭

As your videos gain thousands of hits,‭ ‬your website will be visited by more‭
subscribers and you can begin to earn money.‭ ‬You can also create eBooks on your‭
particular subject and sell them on that website.‭

Place a lot of related links to similar websites that may be useful to your‭
members.‭ ‬You may think this may take viewers away from your webpage.‭ ‬But‭
subscribers appreciate this kind of honesty and help and they will keep coming‭
back to you.‭

This way you keep doing what you love,‭ ‬and the world pays you for it.‭ ‬Setting up a‭
webpage or blog free of cost‭ (‬Blogger.com‭)‬,‭ ‬monitoring traffic‭ (‬Sitemeter.com‭)
and creating eBooks‭ (‬eBook Pro‭) ‬are easily done by using any of the hundreds of‭
tools available on the Internet.‭

By working at home,‭ ‬you have the advantage of using your home premises,‭
utilities and fixtures with no extra shop costs.‭ ‬You can set up a small studio to‭
teach an art skill like sculpting or making candles or even simple handmade‭
cards.‭ ‬There are thousands of YouTube videos teaching music and dance.‭

Find your niche and go for it.‭ ‬It will take a little time to build up your business,‭
but if you do something special,‭ ‬it will spread virally via YouTube and you can‭
then capitalize on your success.‭

Chapter‭ ‬6:‭



eBooks,‭ ‬when used rightly,‭ ‬could be a wonderful way to earn online.‭


When the Internet first became popular,‭ ‬it was looked upon mostly as a portal for‭
information and communication.‭ ‬The information part was actually very‭
poignant,‭ ‬because people didn’t have such a splendid method of finding what‭
they wanted whenever they wanted.‭ ‬This impression of the Internet persists even‭
today.‭ ‬Even today,‭ ‬the Internet is an information superhighway and people with‭
an astute mind are making the most of it in various ways.‭

One of the most significant ways is through creating and selling eBooks.‭ ‬EBooks,‭
or electronic books,‭ ‬are books filled with information on one particular subject.‭ ‬It‭
covers a part of that subject,‭ ‬and is generally‭ (‬but not always‭) ‬a self-help guide.‭
Well,‭ ‬those are the ones that make the most money and hence are the most‭
popular,‭ ‬anyway.‭

The concept is simple.‭ ‬Take something that people are searching for information‭
on,‭ ‬and create an eBook about it.‭ ‬Write in a simple,‭ ‬crisp manner in a language‭
that even a layperson can understand.‭ ‬When you have the eBook ready,‭ ‬promote‭
it over the Internet.‭ ‬There are various ways to do that‭ – ‬make a webpage,‭ ‬create a‭
sales page,‭ ‬advertise through affiliates,‭ ‬promote the eBook on social networking‭
websites,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The more you make your eBook popular,‭ ‬the more people will want‭
to have it.‭

Now,‭ ‬there are two ways in which you can make money out of your eBooks.‭ ‬You‭
could either sell them directly for money,‭ ‬or you could use them to sell a bigger‭
product.‭ ‬When you do the latter,‭ ‬you may not even charge for your eBook.‭ ‬The‭
concept of giving away is very much real on the Internet,‭ ‬and it does attract a lot‭
of interested people to buy bigger products.‭

So,‭ ‬what can you write the eBook on‭? ‬Think about anything you know that you‭
think people might like to know about.‭ ‬It could be about anything‭ – ‬about how to‭

clean glass windows the right way or about how to look for mortgage providers‭
for your new nest.‭ ‬The idea is to teach,‭ ‬and to make money out of that teaching.‭

Chapter‭ ‬7:‭

Affiliate Marketing‭


Understand what affiliate marketing is,‭ ‬learn more about it and unleash its‭
potential on your income.‭

Affiliate Marketing‭

Affiliate marketing is a very popular concept on the Internet.‭ ‬Basically,‭ ‬it is a way‭
in which you promote someone else’s product on your webpage or blog and earn‭
money for driving people to the advertiser’s website.‭ ‬These people that you send‭
are known as traffic.‭ ‬The payment is usually through a PPC method‭ (‬not unlike‭
Google AdSense‭)‬.‭ ‬You are paid per click that you generate on the advertiser’s‭
website link.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬there are other payment models as well,‭ ‬such as PPS‭
(where you are paid per sale‭) ‬and PPL‭ (‬where you are paid per lead‭)‬.‭

Now,‭ ‬here is a method that can help you earn money even as you sleep.‭ ‬Once you‭
set up the ad and put your promotional campaigns in place,‭ ‬people will‭
automatically keep getting directed to the advertiser’s website,‭ ‬which means you‭
automatically start getting money.‭ ‬This kind of money,‭ ‬which comes in without‭
doing anything constantly,‭ ‬is known as residual income or passive income.‭

Your basic efforts here are at publicizing your own website or blog so that the‭
affiliate links on them become visible and more people click on them.‭ ‬Your‭
income is directly proportionate to the number of people that you manage to‭
send.‭ ‬You could popularize your website through several other instant cash‭
strategies mentioned here,‭ ‬such as article writing and submission,‭ ‬blogging,‭ ‬etc.‭

One of the main reasons why affiliate marketing is popular today is because the‭
payment is really long-term.‭ ‬The money just keeps coming if you have done‭
things rightly.‭ ‬Unlike other methods,‭ ‬the payment here comes in,‭ ‬regardless of‭
the amount of effort you put in.‭ ‬A few months of careful planning and‭
implementing can bring in thousands of dollars a month into your coffers.‭
However,‭ ‬this is an instant cash method as well,‭ ‬because the money will start‭
coming almost instantly,‭ ‬usually within the first week itself.‭

Chapter‭ ‬8:‭

Website Spinning‭


Web spinning may be for Spider-Man,‭ ‬but website spinning can make you a‭
really rich man‭ (‬or woman‭!)‬.‭

Website Spinning‭

This is an instant cash method that many people like.‭ ‬It makes good money,‭
doesn’t need a terrible lot of effort and is creative as well.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬you need to‭
have a modicum of technical knowledge to begin with.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬that shouldn’t deter‭
you.‭ ‬Even if you don’t have the technical knowledge,‭ ‬you can still hire someone to‭
do things that you aren’t comfortable with.‭

So,‭ ‬what is website spinning actually‭? ‬This is a method in which people build‭
websites and then sell them over for a profit.‭ ‬The basic purpose of making the‭
website is to be able to sell it later.‭ ‬The profit can be good if the website is good.‭

Here are a few things that website spinners keep in mind.‭

.‭ ‬They book great domain names.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬a lot of their talent lies here.‭ ‬They‭
make sure that the domain names are good SEO and that they have good‭
recall value as well.‭
.‭ ‬They build short websites.‭ ‬The websites aren’t kept too large because then‭
it becomes difficult to flip them.‭ ‬A usual website that is designed for‭
flipping contains no more than‭ ‬10‭ ‬pages.‭
.‭ ‬The websites are kept rich in content.‭ ‬The content is meant to educate.‭
Once again,‭ ‬the content is high SEO,‭ ‬containing a lot of keywords that‭
people commonly search for.‭
.‭ ‬The design and the overall look of the website are kept quite basic.‭ ‬The‭
reason for that is to enable the buyer to tweak the website according to‭
their desires.‭

The proceeds of the sale depend on how good the website is.‭ ‬The least you could‭
expect for a website of‭ ‬10‭ ‬pages is‭ ‬$50,‭ ‬which is not bad for starters.‭ ‬If your‭
website already has some popularity on Google,‭ ‬you could sell it for much higher.‭

The selling is done on forums.‭ ‬A good place to sell is the Digital Point Forums.‭

Chapter‭ ‬9:‭

Technical Services‭


If you have some technical talent,‭ ‬there are some great ways to make money out‭
of it.‭

Technical Services‭

Any kind of technical knowledge can be brilliantly used on the Internet to make‭
money.‭ ‬If you have knowledge of website designing,‭ ‬for example,‭ ‬you could get‭
work designing websites for other people on the Internet.‭ ‬You could get your‭
clients to pay you as much as‭ ‬$10‭ ‬to‭ ‬$100‭ ‬per page you design for them,‭
depending on various factors.‭ ‬Some of these factors are the complexity of the‭
webpage that you are designing for them,‭ ‬the budget of the website,‭ ‬your own‭
knowledge and reputation,‭ ‬etc.‭

Website designing is just one such technical service that you can provide for a‭
great deal of money.‭ ‬There are several others in the similar categories.‭ ‬Graphics‭
designing is another very lucrative area.‭ ‬Even designing a logo for a company‭
could give you hundreds of dollars.‭ ‬Or,‭ ‬you could provide some animation or‭
videos to a client.‭ ‬There are numerous things that you can do.‭

So,‭ ‬where do you find all this work‭? ‬The best places to find them are on the‭
various freelance jobsites.‭ ‬Here are a few:-‭

.‭ ‬GetAFreelancer‭ (‬http://www.getafreelancer.com/‭)
.‭ ‬ScriptLance‭ (‬http://www.scriptlance.com/‭)
.‭ ‬Guru‭ (‬http://www.guru.com/‭)
.‭ ‬ELance‭ (‬http://www.elance.com/‭)
.‭ ‬oDesk‭ (‬http://www.odesk.com/‭)

On these sites,‭ ‬you find work through a bidding system.‭ ‬People who are looking‭
for work make posts here and then you bid on those.‭ ‬Your bid will also mention‭
the timeframe you would be completing the job in.‭ ‬You could give samples to‭
increase your chances.‭ ‬The buyers check their bids and the samples and then‭
decide people who fit their bills in the best way.‭

You could also find clients on social networking sites.‭ ‬Joining a group on sites‭
like Twitter,‭ ‬Facebook,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬could be a great way of networking with other people‭
with similar skills as you have and make some money.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬the drawback of‭
finding work on these places is that they are not jobsites and hence they shouldn’t‭
be your primary choice for finding work online.‭

Chapter‭ ‬10:‭

Some Things to Remember‭


Making instant cash is very much possible.‭ ‬Just bear in mind these few things.‭

Some Things to Remember‭

Remember that even money you earn through the Internet sitting at home is‭
taxable.‭ ‬You are liable to pay your own taxes here.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬there are a very few‭
clients who will look into your taxation needs.‭ ‬These will be the people who will‭
want to retain you long-term.‭ ‬But when you are looking for instant cash methods,‭
no one is going to shoulder the burden of your taxation.‭

You will need an online bank account.‭ ‬PayPal‭ (‬http://www.paypal.com/‭) ‬is the‭
leading online bank today,‭ ‬followed quite distantly by Moneybookers‭
(http://www.moneybookers.com/‭)‬.‭ ‬Most online jobsites act as payment‭
distributors as well.‭ ‬You can directly order checks from them.‭

When you are earning for yourself,‭ ‬it is quite easy to get distracted and lose focus.‭
Don’t do that,‭ ‬because when you are working on the Internet through freelance‭
websites,‭ ‬there’s a rating system.‭ ‬One bad rating could jeopardize your future‭
prospects.‭ ‬Your clients know you only through your rating and hence you have to‭
make sure that remains spotless.‭

Always keep learning.‭ ‬On the Internet,‭ ‬the one who learns the most earns the‭
most.‭ ‬There are new techniques and strategies being developed almost every day‭
and people are making use of them to enhance their prospects.‭ ‬It doesn’t take‭
time for anything to become highly competitive on the Internet soon.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬make‭
sure you stay ahead of the competition.‭

Don’t be dejected if you aren’t able to earn in bucketfuls right from the start.‭
Most instant cash strategies will pay you small amounts when you start out,‭ ‬but‭
with experience you can start demanding more.‭ ‬As you get more ratings,‭ ‬you‭
enhance your chances and the amount you earn too.‭ ‬Gather ratings as someone‭
would gather experience on their portfolios.‭

So,‭ ‬go ahead and take the plunge in this online world.‭ ‬There are several pools for‭
you to try out your talents and earning potentials.‭


There are various instant cash strategies available to you,‭ ‬and this eBook‭
mentions the best of them.‭

Use them right,‭ ‬and you will never want for those petty sums of money to pay‭
your bills again.‭

Why,‭ ‬you might even become the richest man you know personally‭!

It only takes some time,‭ ‬some effort and the right knowledge.‭

All the best to you‭!!!


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The Whole Child

The Whole Child
Back Issues

Below are all back issues of The Whole Child, which you can subscribe to from this site.

Click here to return to home page and to subscribe to this e-zine.

November 23, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #077 - Before you buy ...X

October 12, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #076 - New Baby, New Website and New Possibilities

September 02, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #075 - Are (lap)books your friends?

August 12, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #074 Back to PRE-school?

July 13, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #073 Teachable Moments

June 10, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #072 Relaxed Preschooling

May 18, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #071 Don't skip Music and Art Appreciation

April 06, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #070 Over 20 Benefits of Reading with Children

March 10, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #069 More Math Tips and Missing Activities

March 09, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #068 How to Avoid Math Anxiety

February 11, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #067 Tips for Teaching Handwriting

January 07, 2010 -- The Whole Child, Issue #066 School Readiness

November 03, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #064 FOUR YEARS OLD

August 24, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #063 New Theme-based Activities

July 15, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #062 Toothbrushing with a Difference

May 23, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #061 The Silent Epidemic

April 08, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #060 Re-education for C21

March 19, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #059 - Big Moves

February 01, 2009 -- The Whole Child, Issue #058 - School Readiness

December 17, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #057 - Festive Special - Share Your Knowledge

November 26, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #056 - Greed vs Appreciation

October 19, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #055 - On Safari in South Africa

August 03, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #0054

July 04, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #05 - Busy, busy

June 02, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #052 - Do the Time

April 28, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #051 - Bilingual homes

March 25, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #049 - Parental 'Action Points"

February 09, 2008 -- The Whole Child, Issue #049 - Preschool Hearts

December 21, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #046 - Christmas Boogie

December 12, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #045 - Ho-Ho, Chocolates, Milk and Vinegar?

November 08, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #044 - Strong Family Ties

October 10, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #043 - Four Seasons

September 17, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #042 - Busting the Supermom Myth

August 09, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #041 - Character Training

July 07, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #040 - Hugs and Kisses

May 30, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #039 - Father's Day

April 30, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #038 - Special Announcement

April 08, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #037 - April 2007

February 18, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #036 - Chinese New Year

January 28, 2007 -- The Whole Child, Issue #035 - A New Year

December 05, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #034 - Holidays again

November 19, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #033 - Big News

October 29, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #031- Join our Preschool Activities eGroup

October 23, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #031- Another Halloween Special!

October 17, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #030- Halloween Special!

October 15, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #029- Embracing Motherhood

October 01, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #028- Jam-packed for you!

September 17, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #027- Taking a break

September 02, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #026 - Back with "new stuff"

August 15, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #025 - Double Activities for You

August 06, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #024 - Oops, its Sunday!

July 30, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #023 - Humour added

July 23, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #0.22 - Back to routines

July 15, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #021 - Painting the World Pink

July 07, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #019 - Unschooling holiday

June 23, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #018 - Left-hand writing

June 16, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #017 - Ebook launch

June 09, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #016 - Odd socks and cyberforests

June 02, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #015 - Suddenly Moving

May 19, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #013 -The Classroom of Life

May 12, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #012 - Hot stuff

May 07, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #011- In bed at night

April 28, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #010 - Around the World

April 21, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #009 - Get your kids hooked on books

April 07, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #008 - Education commences at the mother's knee

March 31, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #007 - Easter Activities for you

March 22, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #006 - Potato does It!

March 14, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #005 - Birthday memories

March 06, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #004 - Hello Dads

February 27, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #003 - Milestones

February 19, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #002 -- Building a habit

February 12, 2006 -- The Whole Child, Issue #001 -- Let's get started


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